"Namaste' Jules, What a nice email you've sent out! We soooo enjoyed meeting you & all of your wonderful yoga students. You've been doing a great job to attract such delightful, sincere spiritual people & inspiring them in yogic practice. I'm very moved by all of you! I told my yoga class here in Dayton all about you, the studio & all the yogis & yoginis we had the great pleasure to meet in Michigan. I'm wearing the earrings you gave me on Sat. I love them & they are such a lovely reminder of how kind, sweet & beautiful you are. Thank you for the gift!!! Thank you for inviting us to your studio!! We are pleased that you'd like us to return next year. We would be happy to. I honor the light in you! Laurel " | "Hey Beautiful, How ya feeling? I am pretty blissed out! I just want to thank you so much for coming into my life. I love having you to "play" with, holding my hand & prodding me along this path, with your sweet open heart. You truly blessed the entire universe by bringing D& L here this weekend. I feel much as if a crevice has opened in the universe of duality that will simply continue to slip further open revealing the divine conciseness in all with a great capacity. That which has been unveiled can not become hidden again! So simply THANK YOU, THANK YOU, THANK YOU!! I miss you now & will miss you more tomorrow. Shanti B" |
"Jules, I wonder if you realize what a beautiful and positive influence you've had on me. My hope is that I can in turn share that gift with others that touch my life. It seems to me that there are so many misconceptions about yoga, and it takes time and actual practice to be able to clear those misconceptions. I think of it as a sort of housekeeping for my mind and body - equally as important as anything else I may do. A way of thanking my mind and my body for the incredible feats it performs all day - every day. ~Shanti~" | "Jules, Thanks for this one. I have found myself giving up and being overwhelmed lately. My daughter Kamryn and I used to come when you were teaching at the studio on Sashabaw. We enjoyed class and Kamryn still talks about her experience with your class. This message is such an encouragement. Thank you, Kathy" |
"Jules, Thanks for the article. I really feel good about our first meeting. I am looking forward to working with you. Yesterday I felt a "good" soreness of muscle and movement that I have not worked for a long time. See you next week. Michael" | "Jules, Again, thanks for the gift certificate, for the awesome instruction, and for being such a positive motivator for me. I appreciate it all more than you know. Hope you had a great workshop. Megan" |
"Jules, Recently I have received several compliments from many of the people I work with. They have all said similar things - that I look radiant lately, that I look younger, happier, more content, less stressed. I told them that the only thing I could think of was that I had been taking yoga for a few weeks, and they all agreed that that was the source of the radiance. I just wanted to express my thanks for helping me with this part of my life - you have opened up a whole new world to me, and I thank you from the bottom of my heart. You are a special lady and I am so honored to be experiencing this journey with you. If you weren't married, I would have to consider changing teams and asking you to marry me!! :) Ok, don't tell your husband that, he might not let me into the house next Tuesday! Love and hugs, Kat" | "I always enjoy your classes! Their filled with your energetic personality and your personal touch... Everyone is so nice to me. I always feel like we are one group and not 10-15 special women and me. The workshop was excellent! I practiced with my handout on Sunday for about 45 mins. I would like to get into a routine where I could practice everyday for 30 minutes. I was sore on Sunday. My hammy's and my ankles. I guess 3 hrs is to much... Just kidding! It was wonderful meeting all the new people. I was even lucky enough to see Ann as I was arriving, she seems like a super nice person. Someone I would hope to get to know better in the future in my journey in Yoga. Thanks for writing to me. I enjoy your comments and articles. I've jumped into it with both feet and trying to learn as much as I can. I'm hoping Yoga to become a part of my life style. It has already brought a whole lot of new wonderful people and positivity to my life. See you Tuesday... namaste'" |
"Julie, This is you, you are a true healer. So lucky to know you. Brenda" | "Thank you Julie! It was wonderful and will hopefully become something that I treat myself to on a more regular basis. Thanks for your stretching suggestions I will definitely focus on those regularly. Namaste- : ) Dana" |
"Jules: You are such a "light" thank you for you words of wisdom, you are a real blessing to those you touch. Thank you. Susie Allen" | "Jules, I have to tell you, I felt so good on Saturday! And I still feel that the stress I was carrying in my shoulders is gone. I am amazed that I feel so good. I tell you Friday night I was at the height of my shoulders and back feeling tight, sore and uncomfortable. I just couldn't relax it. Thanks so much Linn" |
"I feel I have become more at peace with my practice. I know I still have a long ways to go. I always look forward to coming to practice and it is never presented in a way that I could go on auto pilot. You are a great teacher. Reeta" |